好喜歡拍攝光在萬物上游走的身影。光照射在萬物上的作為,完全地展現道家的無為--不操控只是默默地支持萬物的運作,讓萬物得以各自的特性生生不息、欣欣向榮地成長。「生而不有,為而不恃,功成而弗居。夫唯弗居,是以不去。」(道德經 第二章)。因為不居功所以長存,光不也如此嗎? 完全忘我地滋養、突顯萬物各自的特性,使萬物可以看見彼此的特性,互相連結,而光從不期望回報!
無怪不同文化都用光來形容神/道/無條件的愛。St. John of the cross 把神光形容為無形的: “For the ray of light is dark and invisible until a hand or some other thing passes through it, and then both the object and the ray are recognized.” 唯有與萬物相遇,光才得以被覺察,而萬物也更鮮明地自我展現。
而黑暗卻恰恰相反,它吞沒所有,使萬物和它一樣黑。在黑暗中多元是不被允許的,它操控所有、殲滅特性、否定自主、壓制互相依附及連結;萬物只可俯伏在它下,只有一個特性 -- 黑暗,所有與光有關係的字眼都一一刪除。
The false God changes suffering into violence. The true God changes violence into suffering . . Simone Weil . 面對黑暗,我們不必暴力地殲滅它!當我們不遺餘力地剷除黑暗時,我們已化成黑暗。反而要如St. Francis of Assisi 般的信念: “All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of single candle” 堅守「微末心」、「手足情」以建造和諧連結的世界。
無獨有偶,一行禪師也強調不迴避或壓抑痛苦: "Some people think that in order to be happy they must avoid all suffering, and so they are constantly vigilant, constantly worrying. They end up sacrificing all their spontaneity, freedom, and joy. This isn’t correct. If you can recognize and accept your pain without running away from it, you will discover that although pain is there, joy can also be there at the same time."
近代的靜觀大師,Fr. Franz Jalics, SJ,提出在操練靜觀時,過去被我們壓抑的黑暗、痛苦、悲傷、孤獨、脆弱、罪惡感等所謂的負面情緒將一一浮現。我們甚至會察覺到因過份壓抑所引致的身體繃緊痛楚。而通過靜觀我們學會去面對及接納內在的、外在的黑暗,the darkness make itself felt in order to be redeemed. 然後,平安重現,傷痛會成為疤痕,不再傷害我們,我們也不再處於傷痛下回應他人,更有能力以愛去面對自己及他人。
Chiara Lubich 指出這愛根基於十字架上的耶穌: "Jesus expressed all his love in being wounded. He is the Love of the Father who came to earth and he loved us by giving everything, striping everything from himself, even God. Then the void remained. And we, if we live like him, can look within and see God, the Father, and the Father can look within and see us."
而 Rumi 回教的神祕大師: "The wound is the place where the Light enters you"