The incarnation manifested the immanence of God, the transcendence of duality between divinity and humanity, the creator and creations. God does not against humanity, devil does!
God’s Love incarnated in humanity not to cancel humanity but to transform humanity! Thus, in love (God) the opposites mutually enriching, in hate (evil) the opposites eliminate each other.
The celebration of Christmasis the celebration of the oneness of humanity and divinity, Jesus is not
divinity without humanity!
Merry Christmas!
Contemplative GestaltApproach Centre
神的愛進入人間取人形並非要摧毀人,而是轉化昇華人! 在愛(神)內陰陽是相互滋養的,而在仇恨(魔) 內它們是互相摧毀的!